
THEY'RE BAAAAAAAACK! The amazing ladies of Blondies Bar London are coming back to CAMP VC for 2018 & they're bringing the party with them!

The Blondies bar girls will be onsite all weekend mixing up cocktails for all , handing out FREE Piston Head lager & serving up some Sailor Jerry rum ready for your FREE drink on arrival but first up get to know the platinum haired party animals ahead of getting to site & crack open a cold one with them when you get to CAMP VC!

See you soon ladies!! 




Verity & Sharmaine Cox of Blondies London


What are your roles at Blondies? 

Verity – Co-owner & Operations Manager. Sharmaine -  Co-owner & Brand Development


How long has Blondies been running now? 

We will be 3 in October. Eeekkk. 


How did Blondies come to be? 

SC: We had always joked about opening our own space, or stating a band. Kind of thankful we went down this route, being that Verity is the only musical one. 


What was the original idea behind it all?

VC: We had intensions of opening a café and bar at the start. Now its developed but more into a live music venue as well. Sharmaine has a great eye and the space looks great. I didn’t have much to do with the design, as I got kicked off the design team pretty quick, lol). She did a really good job. And Rochelle, our youngest sister, and the talent behind all our illustrations and merchandise, really helped to hone in the aesthetic. 


You guys are absolutely killing it! What have you guys been up to since last year event?

We started working with Kerrang! Magazine on some secret live shows, plus booking loads of new bands. Plus generally working on how to take over the world and work with more rad females. 


We love collaborating with amazing female run businesses at CAMP VC! Why did you want to get involved with the event? 

VC: I had known about VC since moving to London and wanted to get involve straight away. And it was taken ten fold after last years’ event. To be surrounded by so many supportive and amazing ladies was such a treat and an environment that is such an incredible experience to be apart of.  


What are you looking forward to most at CAMP VC? 

The whole thing really. We had such a ball last time. I have met a whole group of ladies from last year and we hangout all the time. Can’t wait to met even more rad women. Oh and riding round the fields of course. 


We loved having you guys onsite last year at CAMP VC (who could forget the game of Friday night disco bingo!!) What have you got in store for us for this year?


We are definitely bringing back the classic Disco Bingo but we’ll also be hosting Rock’n’Roll Karaoke, Beer Pong, Dart Tournaments and a Wheel of Fortune which means shots will be flowing for winners. 


You'll also be throwing down a DJ set at CAMP VC. What have you got lined up for the ladies to get down to?

Gonna mix it up this year. Somewhere between Black Sabbath and Diana Ross. 


Best drink to get the party started?



Best track to get the party started?

Alright by Supergrass


Best track to finish up a party with?  

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. 



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