Totally stoked to be involved with the instagram project #MYSTORYUK.

The project & exhibition celebrates inspiring visual story telling by women all over the world & how they use Instagram to share it all. From mommas to models, skaters to shepherdesses, activists to artists they got us all together to celebrate!


We had a great night meeting so many amazing women, getting completely wasted, hearing the lovely Lauren Laverne announce "Motorcycles, good times and not giving a shit" to the entire room, teaming up with all girl skate crew Nefarious crew ( our new girl crush ) & skating through the exhibition space sealing both our reputations as the complete reprobates of the event.... 

Shout out to Frankie, Marieka, Michelle, Charlotte, Lauren & all the ladies that made it happen! x

To read the full article on BBC's website click HERE

Go follow Nefarious crew HERE

TEXT & PHOTOS FROM : http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36478963/meet-the-secret-all-female-and-british-stars-of-instagram